Singing praises and thanks to the ancestors and art gods (:-)) for the opportunity to not only show work in this group exhibition, but to also be invited to serve as a juror for COCA’s upcoming Text as Visual Language Exhibition. Serving alongside acclaimed artist Buzz Spector and professor Tate Foley, this experience has been both exciting and excruciating at once. Grateful for the opportunity to merge words with the tactile, emotional process of creating the things.
Opening reception on Friday, April 5, 2019 at COCA. Show runs through May 19, 2019.
“Throughout history, text has relied directly and heavily on visual images for its meaning with examples such as hieroglyphics and calligraphy. The first form of writing, cuneiform, is characterized by a system of pictorial images. The letters of the alphabet we use today are no exception. They were first drawn and designed as 26 distinct visual symbols and each symbol represents an assigned sound. It is these visual symbols we arrange into words and enunciate as sound for meaning and comprehension. Based on this premise that text is visual, any written material can be contextualized as visual language.
St. Louis established and emerging artists explore the use of text in works of art through a variety of media. Curated by Yvonne Osei, Curator-In-Residence.”